
GPS Image Details

WSH (Windows Scripting Host) VBScript to get the GPS EXIF (Exchangeable image file format) information from images that have been taken using a camera with GPS function.

Create a new text file in the folder containing the images, you can name it gps_image_data.vbs. Copy the following code into it, Save, Close. Double click on the new file in Windows Explorer to run it.

GPS Latitude and Longitude Image EXIF Details

Creates a list of image names along with Latitude, Longitude separated by tab, for each image in a folder. With the value of HTML_OUTPUT set to True, it will produce an HTML file containing thumbnails of the images and links to google maps.

Create a new text file called gps_image_data_latlong.vbs, in the same folder as your images. Copy this code into it, Save, Close. Double click the file in Windows Explorer to run it.
